Great Singers at Lyric in German Repertoire
This installment of "Legends of Lyric" concentrates on four artists who excelled in German roles at Lyric: two spectacular dramatic sopranos – Inge Borkh (1921 - 2018), who excelled at Lyric as Sieglinde in Die Walküre and Salome, and Birgit Nilsson (1918 – 2005), idolized at Lyric and worldwide as the Wagner heroines and also in such formidable Italian roles as Puccini's Turandot; tenor Ludwig Suthaus (1906 – 1971), Lyric's first Wagner tenor; and another stupendous Wagnerian, bass-baritone Hans Hotter (1909 – 2003), who mesmerized two generations of audiences internationally in a huge repertoire.

Inge Borkh
Inge Borkh's roles at Lyric

Birgit Nilsson
Birgit Nilsson's roles at Lyric

Ludwig Suthaus
Ludwig Suthaus's roles at Lyric

Hans Hotter
Hans Hotter's roles at Lyric
Main photo: Inge Borkh in Die Walkure, 1956.
Audio photo: Birgit Nilsson in Tristan und Isolde, 1959. Photo by Nancy Sorensen.